Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Question du Jour #25

Anyone who has been a college student or in other low-budget, fairly low-expectation circumstances is familiar with wine in a box. This above is the yummiest bulk beverage I ever did taste: sherry in a box! Goodness me. They were serving it over the weekend in Spain in little plastic shot glasses, but once we realized what it was, I went for the full-sized paper cup experience. Dee-lightful. So what I want to know is:

When are they going to start selling this stuff in the U.S., and why don't they already?

Because I would be all the heck over it.


  1. Port in a box you say? At first it sounds less than exciting, but I do enjoy a good port and if it has got your seal of approval, well, sign me up! Do you think the problem with the US might be that port drinkers aren't partial to getting their spirits in cardboard? Maybe it's a demographic thing? All other signs point to this showing up on US shelves eventually.

  2. Forgive me! I misled you. It turns out to have been sherry, not port, but the yumminess remains. My alcoholic identifiers must have been diluted by its power...

  3. Frankly, I don't know how to feel. Hurt? Betrayed? I don't know if I'll ever be able to trust you again. ;-) You know, sherry isn't half bad either! Three cheers for fortified wines!

  4. That was sherry, not port. Port is from Portugal. Sherry is from Spain, and we were in Spain.

  5. Evidemment tu n'as pas relu ce que j'ai écrit, mon amour...
