Thursday, October 8, 2009

Extracurriculars, Part II

Why not a kir in a paper cup? Why not a paper cup with balloons on it? Why not a paper cup with balloons on it that was uncommonly expensive, because, unbeknownst to us when we walked into the place, we bought it and seven of its brethren at a store that imports goodies from the U.S. and charges homesick expats or wannabe Frenchies top-euro to buy them. Ah, well. We were having a picnic on the Champ de Mars, facing the Eiffel Tower (see photo to the right), and needed cups for our wine.

This is just going to be a quick update, but I wanted to share the fact that...I got the internship! The lady from Camp Experts decided that, even though my potential absence during some of her salons was a major inconvenience, we were a good match. Hooray! So I'll start there in early January.

In other outside-the-home news, I've spent the last week or so waffling as to whether or not to join the Chorale Pop and Soul after all, just as a way to meet people. I had told the teacher that I wasn't going to be able to do it, because the class I'm going to be taking at the Sorbonne meets on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5-7, and the Chorale starts at 7 on Wednesdays, not too close by. But she countered that it looked as thought the meeting time was going to be changing to Tuesday nights, and so it was once again a possibility. I was more or less resigned to devoting two hours, two consecutive nights a week to singing, in the name of both working on challenging material and befriending some real Frenchers, until two game-changers came down the pipeline:

1) I started talking to more cool people in my Monday-night chorale.
2) E-mails from the teacher made it look as though Chorale Pop and Soul may not change its rehearsal night after all.

So I'm staying put, at least for this semester, and not spending 350 € on new friends. Something else Nick and I are considering checking out is an organization called Polyglot Club, where people who speak all different languages get together and converse in their non-native tongues. Nick's ears perked up when we saw a story on the group on 100% Mag, a TV news magazine that's on five evenings a week, right after Un Dîner Presque Parfait (A Nearly Perfect Dinner), my favorite French TV show. There's actually a Polyglot Club get-together tonight near the Centre Pompidou, but we'll see whether we make it out of the house. Will keep you posted...

1 comment:

  1. YEA, JESS!!!! Am thrilled for you that you got the internship! The parents and kids will learn so much from you; you're going to bring terrific enthusiasm to the job, and you'll all have great fun together! Sending L O V E - Maman
