Thursday, October 1, 2009

Question du Jour #1

What is with French doorknobs in the middle of the door?

Makes absolutely no sense in terms of everything I know about simple machines--levers, fulcroms, and the like. Anyone?


  1. I think it's because the key is really the doorknob. Since you have to use the key to open the door, it becomes the lever. But it would look dumb without the something on there, so they make it nice and symmetrical by putting the knob in the middle.

  2. It's the same here. The key is on the side and the big doorknob is in the middle. It's kind of obnoxious because you can't close the door easily without slamming it.

  3. I would have said key unlocks and operates latch mechanism, allowing you to pull open the door with the other hand...
