Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Question du Jour #13

A friend and I did some window shopping today at the many pet shops near the Pont Neuf. Prices were universally high, but this one above kind of blew my mind. 3660 € for a mini fawn-colored Chihuahua--that's $5430.34, according to Google's latest rate of conversion.

This is the blond(e) in question--cute, to be sure, but upwards of $5000?? That's got to be over $1000 a pound--even when full-grown. You could get nearly three Ritz Side Cars at that price! So the question is this:

If you bought a dog for 3660 €, what would it have to do to earn its keep?

1 comment:

  1. For me, it would need to speak French and Spanish fluently and be willing to write all my papers (I'll handle the exposés). It could also do some cleaning and light cooking, but that would just be a bonus. 3660€ for a Chihuahua?! Not so much.
